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Scuffles as police lead away anti-lockdown protesters in London
Anti-lockdown protesters scuffle with police in London
Dozens arrested as anti lockdown protesters clash with police in London
London police make arrests at anti-lockdown rally
Police clash with anti-lockdown protesters at latest demo in London: Extended
Police Officers Injured Clearing Anti-Lockdown Protesters From Trafalgar Square
UK Anti-Lockdown Protesters And Police Clash In London 09.05.20.
Police Arrest Anti-Lockdown Protesters in London | NowThis
Scuffles as protesters whinge about lockdown in London & moan about 'fake virus'
Police try to contain anti-Johnson protests in London
Scuffles in London as COVID 19 lockdown protesters moan about 'fake virus'
Press and photographers harassed by police at anti-lockdown march